dimanche 4 juin 2023

Compile Sixties - Garage Rock - Psychédélique







Aussi loin que je m'en souvienne, les premiers 45 tours que j'ai écoutés sont ceux de ma grand-mère. Michel Delpech, Pierre Groscolas, Il était une fois, et les Rubettes dans leur beau costume de marin, casquette vissée sur leur tête, avaient toutes mes faveurs. L'enfant des années 80 que j'ai été, biberonné aux tubes de Jeanne Mas, Sandra, Kajagoogoo, A-ha, a pris subitement une tangente inexplicable. Le paisible adolescent s'est soudain pris d'admiration pour l'un des plus emblématiques groupes des années 60 : Les Doors.

Les Doors ont été ma première révélation musicale. Je les ai portés au pinacle, pas seulement pour leur musique. Car ils ont été le porte-voix d'une jeunesse rebelle et désinhibée à laquelle je me suis identifié à corps perdu. Poète chaman à l'instinct provocateur, Jim Morrison incarne l'idole de ma jeunesse mouvementée et chaotique. Il était pour moi comme un guide spirituel, et pour le frêle et timide adolescent que j'étais, un exutoire salutaire donnant vie aux premiers soubresauts d’une personnalité balbutiante. Voilà comment je suis devenu ce roi lézard en herbe dans toute sa prétention, exhibant fièrement des poèmes bodybuildés aux hormones de cannabis, noyés d'alcool et d'angoisses métaphysiques. Heureux et fier de fumer de piteux joints pour me donner une soi-disant envergure artistique, je défonçais les divines portes de la perception, en me donnant l’illusion d’être vivant.

Fasciné par les Doors, séduit par ce son étrange, unique et par la voix et la personnalité subversive de Jim Morrison, je me suis plongé dans les Sixties avec ferveur, découvrant, médusé, que cette lointaine époque, musicalement à mille lieux des eighties, était d'une richesse ahurissante. De là, est né mon amour pour le garage rock et la musique psychédélique.

Cette compilation personnelle se veut un hommage aux Sixties, mais évite les tubes et les groupes les plus emblématiques qui en ont fait leur renommée. Ni Beatles, ni Rolling Stones, ni Pink Floyd, ni Doors. Ma démarche est de mettre des groupes méconnus, voire inconnus, au premier plan, et de jeter un peu de lumière sur ceux qui sont malheureusement restés dans l'ombre. Qui connaît The Rokes, The Pastels, The Thyme, The Pogs, The Poor, The Quik, The Rogues, The Buck Rogers MovementThe Laughing Kind, The Hard Times, The InnkeepersDanny's Reasons,  The Mystere Trend, The Choab, The Wig WagsThe Velvet Illusions ? La liste est longue... Autant de noms qui ne diront rien pour beaucoup. On trouvera néanmoins des noms moins obscurs, comme The Moody Blues, The Zombies, The Hollies, The Smoke, ou encore The Jefferson Airplane, avec la volonté de les montrer sous un jour inhabituel.

J'ai voulu donner la voix à des chanteurs qu'on a depuis longtemps oubliés. Don Fardon, Gene Clark, Bill Fay, Johnny Farnham, pour n'en citer que quelques-uns. Parmi les chanteuses, j'ai succombé à la grâce aérienne de Joanie Sommers et à la gouaille swinguante de Lulu. Carolyn Hester m'a franchement tapé dans l'œil, et The Feminine Complex m'a littéralement enchanté. Cet improbable Girls Band a sorti son unique album studio en 1969, sous le titre de livin' love. C'est une merveille de pop soul, une musique enjouée et légère, à la sophistication féérique. 

                        1969. The Feminine Complex. Time Slips By. Le temps
                                            passe,  mais le talent demeure.

Certains ont eu juste le temps de faire un 45 t, et puis s'en vont. D'autres n'ont, hélas, pas eu la carrière qu'ils méritaient. Ainsi, The Action et The Mindbenders, deux formations talentueuses et séduisantes de la British Invasion, avaient l'étoffe pour connaître un meilleur sort... 

 1967. The Action. Follow me.  Et un riff de guitare
 qui claque comme un uppercut. 

Et que dire de Classical M, un trio français, dont l'éphémère carrière à la fin des années 60, s'arrêta net après des débuts pourtant prometteurs. Musicalement inspirée, cette formation, fondée par les frères Mariani, est justement l'exemple même de ces groupes maudits, fauchés en plein vol dans leur ascension vers le succès. Malheureusement, celui-ci ne se construit pas seulement avec du talent, mais aussi grâce à de bonnes relations et à un entourage compétent…


1969. Classical M. Such A Lovely Voice.

La plupart des titres ici retenus sont issus de compilations, dont certaines sont de véritables objets de collection. Mindrocker, Nuggets, Garage Beat 66, I'm Losing Tonight ! Piccadilly Sunshine, We Can Fly, Diggin' For Gold. Un panel éclectique où se mêlent pêle-mêle, des formations bataves, norvégiennes, belges, canadiennes, australiennes, néo-zélandaises, anglaises, péruviennes, japonaises et j'en passe. Un florilège de nationalités qui donnent un peu la mesure de ce que furent les Sixties.


Instrument phare, la guitare y est omniprésente. Parmi la pléthore d'artistes et de titres qui m'ont étonné, séduit, épaté, je citerai The Beefeaters, quatuor danois énergique, et son décoiffant Night Fly. Czar et son éblouissant Ritual Fire Dance. Animé d'une rythmique de feu et d'une ligne de basse phénoménale, ce morceau d'anthologie s'impose naturellement comme un hommage détonant au compositeur espagnol, Manuel de Falla. Il apporte la preuve que rock et musique classique peuvent fusionner dans une alchimie parfaite.

        1969. Czar. Ritual Fire Dance. Hommage au compositeur espagnol Manuel de Falla. Une musique incandescente et frénétique pour une danse sacrée en l'honneur du Dieu du Feu. 

Il y a le monumental Heavy Music aux accents souls de Bob Seger & The Last Heard. Il me semble entendre dans le timbre de sa voix toute la rage d'Otis Redding

J'ai découvert et adoré Lemon Fog et ses arabesques psychédéliques.

Mais ne croyez pas cette époque fleur bleue, d'ailleurs The Jefferson Handkerchief chante avec beaucoup d’ironie I'm Allergic To Flowers. L'allergie à l'emblématique  mouvement hippy se traduisant par une salve d'éternuements… 

Certaines balades exhalent un déchirant parfum de mélancolie. Grapefruit et son sublime Theme For Twiggy et The Syndicates avec On The Horizon sont d'une tristesse à fendre le cœur.

1968. Hommage élégiaque à Twiggy, icône de la mode des années 60.

Plus exotique et policé, Herb Alpert & The Tijuana Brass livrent un Zorba le Grec aux airs mariachis. Les guitares sont aux placards et les trompettes virevoltent, la Grèce est déjà loin derrière nous, nous voilà au Mexique ! 

Et bientôt en Russie, avec The Hunters qui chantent Russian Spy and I, un surprenant rock à la sauce gopak !

Quelquefois, les textes et la musique surprennent par leur audace et la tragédie des sentiments exprimés. J'ai été ému aux larmes en écoutant Listen To The Sky, pamphlet antimilitariste d'une rare finesse. Écrite par The Sands, cette chanson nous raconte le destin tragique d'un pilote d'avion pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale, l'histoire d'un gars ordinaire parti se battre et ne revenant plus. Les distorsions des guitares imitent dans un réalisme glaçant le bruit strident des sirènes et des combats aériens. Jusqu'à l'assaut fatal et l'apocalypse finale. Une plongée vertigineuse dans l'enfer des combats. Et un hymne à l'absurdité de la guerre. 

Cette compile ne se veut pas exhaustive. Elle offre néanmoins un large éventail de musique mod, r&b, surf-rock, garage, pop symphonique et psychédélique, et montre, au passage, que certains groupes, certaines chansons, méritaient mieux que de tomber dans l'oubli. Cette période est certes révolue, mais les Sixties semblent étrangement perdurer  par-delà l'inexorable chevauchée du temps, et resplendissent encore de tous ses feux dans le firmament des étoiles musicales. Comme la marque d'un passé glorieux, les vestiges de cette époque gardent à mes yeux l'étrange et fascinante beauté des anciennes Cités disparues.

PS :  les enregistrements, trouvés sur la Toile, ont été réalisés par des collectionneurs de tous poils. Merci à eux de m'avoir permis d'accéder à cette fabuleuse et gigantesque mémoire musicale. J'ai pu ainsi découvrir de vraies pépites parmi les plus obscures formations garages. Les sources sont variées : CD, Vinyles ou Web, le tout en qualité lossless, dans des formats différents. (Wave, WMA, APE, FLAC, etc…) Pour plus de cohérence, j'ai tout converti en Flac. Et en MP3 pour les moins exigeants.


Liste des 1888 titres : 

01 - Kak - Everything's Changing  

02 - Simon Dupree And The Big Sound - Love.

03 - Peanut Butter Conspiracy - Dark On You Now

04 - The Cyrkle - The Words

05 - The Blues Project - Wake Me, Shake Me

06 - The Holy Mackerel - Scorpio Red

07 - Mother Sunday - You Don't Understand

08 - Oriental Sunshine - Across Your Life 

09 - Mother Tuckers Yellow Duck -Times are Changing

10 - Shel Naylor - One Fine Day

11 - The Shags - Hide Away

12 - We The People  - Feelings of My Emptiness

13 - The Rogues - And You Better Let Her Pass By

14 - The Majority - One Third 

15 - Thane Russal & Three - Your Love Is Burning Me

16 - The Rascals - How Can I Be Sure 

17 - Deepest Blue - Somebody's Girl

18 - Question Mark and The Mysterians - Ain't It A Shame

19 - Sounds Bob Rogers - Dream with me

20 - The Rainbow Press - Lightning Streak

21 - The Mickey Finn - Garden Of My Mind

22 - The Xtreems - Facts Of Life

23 - The Missing Lynx - Behind Locked Doors

24 - The Action - Come On, Come With Me

25 - The Couriers - Done Me Wrong

26 - Lulu - Shout! (single version) (Isley Bros)

27 - Beckett Quintet - (It's All Over Now) Baby Blue

28 - Allusions - I Gotta Move

29 - The Cyrkle - Don't Cry, No Fears, No Tears Comin' Your Way 

30 - Pauls Collection - Man

31 - The Blue Sound Of Love - Alan Dell - The Blue Sound Of Love - Alan Dell

32 - The Poppy Family - Evil Overshadows Joe

33 - Vince Taylor & The Bobby Clark's Noise - Jezebel

34 - Zakary Thaks - Footsteps Jam

35 - The Crickets - Now Hear This

36 - The Freedom - The Better Side

37 - Beefeaters - Night Flight

38 - The Peppermint Trolley Company - Sunrise

39 - Thee Sixpence - Heart Full of Rain

40 - Thane Russal + Three - Security  

41 - The Association - Along Comes Mary

42 - Syndicate Of Sound - Rumors

43 - The Creation - Cool Jerk

44 - Classical M - Such a Lovely Voice

45 - The Bob Seger System - Heavy Music Part1

46 - Hearts And Flowers - Tin Angel (Will You Ever Come Down)

47 - The Blue Aces - That's Alright 

48 - The Rising Sons - Take A Giant Step

49 - The Remains - Why Do I Cry

50 - Timebox - Girl, Don't Make Me Wait

51 - The Beau Brummels - Laugh, Laugh

52 - The Orfuns - The Animal In Me

53 - Ace Kefford Stand - For Your Love

54 - 54 - Ill Wind - Sleep

55 - The Mystic Tide - Frustration

56 - The Uniques - You Ain't Tuff

57 - The Gestures - Run, Run, Run

58 - The Lemon Fog - Summer

59 - The Mindbenders - Um, Um, Um, Um, Um, Um

60 - Jimmy Crockett And The Shanes - That Lovin' Touch

61 - Winston's Fumbs - Snow White

62 - Mother Tuckers Yellow Duck - No One In Particular

63 - Gasoline Powered Clock - Forest Fire On Main Street (Run, Run, Run)

64 - Jokers Wild - All I See Is You

65 - The Action - I'll Keep On Holding On

66 - Question mark and the Mysterians - Do You Feel It

67 - Grateful Dead - The Golden Road 

68 - The Messengers - Right On

69 - The Lovin' Spoonful - Coconut Grove

70 - The Mysterians-Jimmy Tarbutton and The Memphis Sound 

71 - The 5 a.m. Event - Hungry

72 - The Trends - The Way You Do The Things You Do

73 - The Nuchez - open up your mind

74 - The Answer - I'll Be In

75 - The Truth - Hey Gyp

76 - Chocolate Soup - Grey

77 - We The People -  In The Past

78 - The West Coast Pop Art Experimental Band - If You Want This Love

79 - Bare Facts, The - Georgiana

80 - The Francis - Human Monkey

81 - Chocolate Soup -14 Hour Technicolor Dream

82 - New Colony Six - At The River's Edge

83 - The Humane Society - Eternal Prison

84 - Czar - Ritual Fire Dance

85 - Pasternak Progress - Flower Eyes

86 - The Free For All -  Show Me The Way

87 - Zen - Aquarius (from the Musical 'Hair')

88 - The Music Machine - Talk talk

89 - The Odyssey - Little Girl, Little Boy

90 - The Vejtables - Anything

91 - The Generation - I'm A Good Woman

92 - The Lollipop Shoppe - You Must Be A Witch

93 - The Great! Society - Free Advice

94 - Adam's recital - There's No Place For Lonely People

95 - The Zombies  - She's Not There

96 - Los Chijuaa - Estan Cambiando Los Colores De La Vida

97 - The Shadows Of Knight - Bad Little Woman

98 - The Plastic Blues Band - Gone

99 - Simon Dupree And The Big Sound - It Is Finished

100 - Country Joe And The Fish - Superbird

101 - Opus 1 - Back Seat '38 Dodge

102 - The Velvet Illusions - Velvet Illusions

103 - The Human Beinz - Nobody But Me

104 - The Leaves - Flashback 

105 - The human expression - optical sound

106 - The Mile Ends - Bring 'em On In

107 - The Litter - Action Woman

108 - Southwest F.O.B. - Smell Of Incense

109 - The Holies - Everything Is Sunshine

110 - Up Stairs - Operator Please

111 - The Sevens - I'm Crying

112- The Knack - Time Waits For No One

113 - Remains - Don't Look Back

114 - The Romancers (Aka The Smoke Rings) - Love's The Thing

115 - Tamam Shud - They'll Take You Down On The Lot

116 - Kim Fowley - The Trip

117 - Michael And The Messengers - Romeo And Juliet

118 - Wild Woods - Plastic People

119 - Teddy And His Patches - Suzy Creamcheese

120 - Vince Taylor & The Bobby Clark's Noise - Summertime

121 - The Easybeats - Happy Is The Man 

122 - The Master's Apprentices - Wars or Hands of Time

123 - The Knickerbockers  - Guaranteed Satisfaction 

124 - The Smoke - Keep A Hold Of What You've Got

125 - The Otherside - Streetcar

126 - Saturday's Children - Born on a saturday

127 - Modern Folk Quartet - Night Time Girl

128 - The Third Bardo - I'm five years ahead my time

129 - The Brogues – I Ain’t No Miracle Worker

130 - The Golliwogs - Fight Fire

131 - Clear Light- She's ready to be free

132 - The Unrelated Segments - Where You Gonna Go

133 - The Kreeg - Impressin'

134 - George Jacks - There's Got To Be A Reason

135 - The Gods - To Samuel A Son

136 - The Mojo Men - She's My Baby

137 - The Guilloteens - I Don't Believe

138 - Seeds - Pushin' Too Hard

139 - Les Fleurs De Lys - Mud In Your Eye

140 - The Menn - Things To Come

141 - The Pentad -  Don't Throw It All Away

142 - Jefferson Airplane - White Rabbit

143 - The Smoke - My friend Jack

144 - Looking Glasses - Visions

145 - Fabs - That's The Bag I'm In

146 - Choab - I'm Not Your Steppin Stone

147 - The Searchers - Love Potion No. 9

148 - Lulu - Surprise, Surprise (Jagger-Richard) 

149 - The Amboy Dukes - Journey To The Center Of The Mind

150 - Moby Grape - Omaha

151 - The Motorcycle Abeline (Warren Zevon & Bones Howe) - (You Used To) Ride So High

152 - Caravelles - Lovin' Just My Style

153 - The Sonics - Psycho

154 - Ralph Nielsen and The Chancellors - Scream

155 - Don Fardon - Treat Her Right

156 - The Sons Of Champlin - Fat City

157 - Love - You Set The Scene

158 - Rogues - I Don't Need You

159 - Blues Project - No Time Like The Right Time

160 - The Arkay IV - little girl

161 - Public Nuisance - America

162 - Chocolate Soup  - Snow White

163 - The Galaxies IV - Piccadilly Circus

164 - One Way Street - I See The Light

165 - Lee Hazlewood - Rainbow Woman

166 - The Peanut Butter Conspiracy - Winds Up High 

167 - The Chocolate Watchband - No Way Out

168 - The Grim Reapers - Joanne

169 - The Oxford Circle - Since You've Been Away

170 - Lindy & The Lavells - You Ain't Tuff

171 - The Castaways - Liar, Liar

172 - Butch Eagle And The Styx - Hey I'm Lost

173 - The Action -  I'll Keep Holding On

174 - The Pretty Things - S.P. Sorrow is born

175 - The Chob - We're Pretty Quick

176 - Things To Come - Come Alive

177 - Question mark and the Mysterians - Shout (Pt. 1 & 2)

178 - The Sevens - Panam

179 - Fapardokly (Merrell & The Exiles) - Tomorrow's Girl

180 - Danny Hutton - Roses And Rainbows

181 - Gentlemen - It's a Cryin' Shame

182 - Tree Stumps - Jennie Lee

183 - It's a Beautiful Day - Hot Summer Day

184 - The Rahgoos - Do The Rahgoo

185 - Underworld - Go Away

186 - The Light - Back Up

187 - West Coast Pop Art Experimental Band - Smell Of Incense

188 - Wayne Fontana - Pamela Pamela

189 - Los Chijuas - Changing the colors of life

190 - The  Mindbenders - To Be Or Not To Be

191 - The Standells - Trip To Paradise.

192 - James Taylor Move -  Magic Eyes.m

193 - The Mystery Trend - Johnny Was A Good Boy

194  - The Blues Project - No Time Like The Right Time

195 - The Rubber Band - My Baby Left Me

196 - Normie Rowe & The Playboys - Everything's Alright

197 - The Id - Give Me Some Lovin' (Bonus Track)

198 - Grapefruit - Round Going Round 

199 - The Squires - Going All The Way

200 - The Rare Breed - Beg, Borrow And Steal

201 - Kak - Trieulogy

202 - The Cicadas - That's What I Want

203 - The Underdogs - Love's Gone Bad

204 - Daughters of Albion - Candle Song

205 - The Express - Wastin' My Time

206 - The Deepest Blue - Pretty Little Thing

207 - The Lemon Drops - Paperplane Flyer

208 - The Knickerbockers - One Track Mind

209 - The Petards - Blue Fire Light

210 - Quicksilver Messenger Service - Who Do You Love (Demo Version)

211 - The Craig - I must be mad

212 - The Cincinnati Music Co - Let's Do The Thing

213 - The Yellow Balloon - Junk Maker Shoppe

214 - Vince Taylor & The Bobby Clark's Noise - Long Tall Sally

215 - The Chocolate Watch Band - Sweet Young Thing

216 - Love Machine - Pastoral Symphony

217 - Sagittarius - Another Time

218 - The Movin' Morpho Men - What's Happened To Me-

219 - The Music Machine - Double Yellow Line

220 - Gary Lewis & The Playboys - Jill

221 - Ellen Margulies - The White Pony

222 - The Front Line - Got Love

223 - Jefferson Airplane - It's No Secret

224 - Tamam Shud - It's A Beautiful Day

225 - Unrelated segments - story of my life

226 - Chocolate Soup - Circles

227 - Timebox - Beggin'

228 - Circus Maximus - Short-Haired Fathers

229 - The Third Booth - I Need Love

230 - Don Fardon - Treat Her Right 

231 - The Moving Sidewalks - 99th Floor

232 - The Feminine Complex - I Won't Run

233 - The Lovin' Spoonful - Didn't Want To Have To Do It

234 - The Roulettes - This Little Girl

235 - The Burlington Squires - Back Up

236 - Starfires - I Never Loved Her

237 - The Zombies - She Loves The Way They Love Her

238 - The Fewdle Lords - I Know

239 - The Score - Beg Me

240 - The Thyme , Time Of The Season

241 - Road Runners - Goodbye

242 - The Velvet Illusions - Acid Head

243 - The Chevelle V - Come Back Bird

244 - The Sons Of Adam - Saturday's Son

245 - The Action - Something Has Hit Me

246 - The Litter - The Egyptian

247 - The Loved Ones - Sad Dark Eyes

248 - The Lemon Fog - Day By Day

249 - The Association - Pandora's Golden Heebie Jeebies 

250 - The Beau Brummels - Magic Hollow

251 - The Peanut Butter Conspiracy - Eventually

252 - The Everpresent Fullness - Darlin' You Can Count On Me

253 - Roger Nichols Trio - Montage Mirror

254 - The Kitchen Cinq - Please Come Back To Me

255 - Thorinshield - Daydreaming

256 - The Masters Apprentices - Buried and Dead

257 - Backgrounds - Day Breaks At Dawn

258 - Madd, Inc - I'll Be The One

259 - The Zombies - Indication

260 - The Lykes Of Us - Tell Me Why Your Light Shines

261 - The Cherokees - Minne the Moocher

262 - The Two Thirds - Two Thirds  Baby

263 - Live Wires - Love

264 - The Peanut Butter Conspiracy - The Most Up Till Now

265 - Lincolns - Come Along And Dream

266 - We The People -  My Brother, The Man

267 - The Weeds - Underground Railroad

268 - The Mourning Reign - Satisfaction Guaranteed

269 - The Animated Egg - 'T'morrow

270 - Butch Engle & The Styx - Going Home

271 - The Poor - How Many Tears

272 - Carolyn Hester Coalition - Be Your Baby

273 - Thee Midniters - Empty Heart

274- The Zombies - I Want Her She Wants Me

275 - Equinox - Jenny's Dream

276 - The Knickerbockers - Just One Girl

277 - Stillroven - Hey Joe

278 - The Association - Reputation

279 - The Others - I'm In Need

280 - The Country Gentlemen - Saturday Night

281 - The Basement Wall - Never existed

282 - Nitty Gritty Dirt Band - I'll Search The Sky

283 - The Groop - Woman, You're Breaking Me

284 - Dave Miller Leith Corbett And Friends - The Loner

285 - Dave Miller Set - Mr Guy Fawkes

286 - The Yellow Payges - Our Time Is Running Out

287 - Skip Bifferty - Follow The Path Of The Stars

288 - The Liberty Bell - That's How It Will Be

289 - The Id - Wild Times

290 - The Hardtimes - Candy Man

291 - The Motions - Everything That's Mine 

292 - Grapefruit - C'mon Marianne 

293 - Gene Clark - So You Say You Lost Your Baby

294 - The Sevens - My Mother

295 - Simon Dupree And The Big Sound - I See The Light

296 - The Baroques - Mary Jane

297 - The Hungri  I's - Half Your Life

298 - Clear Light - Eastern valleys

299 - The Electric Company - Scarey Business

300 - The Soul Vendors - Get Out Of My Eye

301 - The Great Society! - Somebody To Love 

302 - Dave Miller Set - Does Anybody Really Know What Time It Is

303 - The Churchill Downs - Gotta Get Back to My Baby

304 - Terry Reid - Superlungs My Supergirl

305 - The Stained Glass - My Buddy Sin

306 - The Fire Escape - The Trip

307 - The Knickerbockers - My Feet Are Off the Ground

308 - We Five - High Flying Bird

309 - Ides Of March - I'll Keep Searching

310 - Zen - You Better Start Running Away

311 - The Zombies  - She Does Everything For Me

312 - The Brogues - But Now I Find

313 - Gorde's Horde - I Don't Care

314 - Frankie Valli & The 4 Seasons - Beggin'                           

315 - Les Fleurs De Lys - Stop Crossing The Bridge

316 - St Louis Union - East Side Story

317 - Chocolate Soup  - In My Life

318 - The Lamp Of Childhood - No More Running Around

319 - Ray Brown & The Whispers -  Ain't It Strange

320 - Just Two Guys - Eyes

321 - Del Shannon - I Think I Love You

322 - Herb Alpert & The Tijuana Brass - Zorba The Greek

323 - The Myddle Class - Don't Let Me Sleep Too Long

324 - The Neighb'rhood Children - That's What's Happening (Unissued)

325 - The Bourbons - just a little

326 - Chantays - Banzai

327 - The David - Now To You

328 - Procession -  Listen

329 - The Ugly Ducklings - I'm A Man

330 - S.J. & Crossroads - Darkest Hour

331 - Chances R - I'll Have You Cryin'

332 - If You Don't Mind, Mrs. Applebee

333 - Pete Kelly's Soulution - If You Love Don't Swing

334 - The Missing Links - Run & Hide

335 - The Best Things - Chicks Are for Kids

336 - The Twelfth Night - I Don't Believe You

337 - The Inner Thoughts - 1000 Miles (Cheating On Me)

338 - Last Knight - Shadow Of Fear

339 - The Outsiders  - Time won't let me

340 - The Loved Ones - Love Song

341 - Stained Glass - Fahrenheit

342 - The Zoo - From A Camel's Hump

343 - The Id - Don't Think Twice

344 - The Pastels - I Wanna Know

345 - Yield Not to Temptation - Merv Benton & the Tamlas

346 - The Cords - Too Late To Kiss You Now

347 - Liverpool Set - 17 Years To The End

348 - The Wackers - Love Or Money

349 - The Zoo - Gonna Miss Me

350 - Los Shakers - Don't ask me love

351 - The Driving Stupid - Horror Asparagus Stories

352 - Mods (peck) - I Give You An Inch (And You Take a Mile)

353 - The Charlatans - Alabama Bound

354 - Dream - Green Thing (From Outer Space)

355 - Mary Lou - The Changing Times

356 - The Iguana - California, My Way

357 - The Lords - I'm Going Home

358 - Eternity’s Children - Somebody's Watching You

359 - The Oxford Circle -  Foolish Woman

360 - Reasons Why - Night Time Day Time

361 - The Strawberry Alarm Clock - Incense And Peppermints

362 - Wildwood - Plastic People

363- The Music Machine - Come On In

364 - The David - I'm Not Alone

365 - Normie Rowe - The Breaking Point

366 - King Richard And The Knights - How About Now

367 - Twice as Much - The Spinning Wheel -

368 - Somebody's Image - Hush

369 - The Rascals - It's Love 

370 - The Bad Seeds - a taste of the same

371 - The Seeds - Tripmaker

372 - The Whispers - Knowin'

373 - Normie Rowe & The Playboys - I (Who Have Nothing)

374 - The Music Machine - Advise And Consent

375 - The Critters -  It Just Won't Be That Way

376 - The Hard Times - Colours

377 - Bourbons -  A Dark Corner

378 - Finchley Boys - I'm Not Like Everybody Else

379-  Dearly Beloved - Keep It Moving 

380 - The Hysterics - Everything's There

381 - The Knickerbockers - Stick With Me

382 - Dave Miller Set - Someone Is Sure To

383 - Van Dyke Parks - Come To The Sunshine

384 - The Galaxies IV - Don't Lose Your Mind

385 - The Groove - Simon Says

386 - The Dark Horsemen - Girl, Stand By Me

387 - The Balloon Farm - A Question of Temperature

388 - The Music Machine - The People In Me

389 - Thee Midniters - Jump, Jive & Harmonize

390 - Los Chijuas - My Little Red Bean

391 - The Morning Dew - No More

392 - Iron Butterfly - Gentle As It May Seem

393 - The Holies -  Rain On The Window 

394 - Caretakers Of Deception - Cuttin' Grass

395 - Johnny Young & Kompany - Step Back

396 - Smoke Rings - Love's The Thing

397 - The Lynx - You Lie

398 - The Joint effort - The Third eye

399 - Lowell George & The Factory - Candy Cane Madness

400 - The Feminine Complex - Run That Thru Your Mind

401 - Koobas - Face

402 - Nazz - Lemming Song

403 -The Mindbenders - Little Nightingale

404 - 9th Street Market - You're Gone

405 - The Motions - We Fell In Love

406 - The Savage Rose - Oh Baby Where Have You Gone

407 - The High Spirits - I Believe

408 - Bobby & Laurie - I Belong With You

409 - The Longboatmen - Only In Her Hometown

410 - The Novas - Please Ask Her

411 - The Shoes - Na Na Na 

412 - Small Faces - Grow Your Own

413 - Indian Puddin and Pipe - Hashish

414 - The Rokes - When the wind arises

415 - White Lightning - William

416 -  I Corvi - Sospesa Ad Un Filo

417 - The Blue Things - Ain't That Lovin' You Baby

418 - The Churchill Downs - Don't Turn the Light Off

419 - The Great Scots - I Ain't No Miracle Worker

420 - The Bruthers - The Courtship Of Rapunzel

421 - The Commons Ltd - Roses Are Red (My Love)

422 - The Blues Company - Experiment In Color 

423 - The Baroques - Flying Machine

424 - Gary US Bonds - Working For My Baby

425 - The Aardvarks - I Don't Need You 

426 - The Druids of Stonehenge - Pale Dream

427 - Outcasts - Loving You, Sometimes

428 - The Chancellors - Dear John 

429 - The Attack - We Don't Know

430 - The Action -I Can't Make A Friend 

431 - The Sunliners - Land Of Nod

432 - The Bare Facts - Bad Part Of Town

433 - Johnny Young & Kompany - Caralyn

434 - T.C. Atlantic - Faces

435 - The Nightcrawlers - Who Knows

436 - The E-Types - Put the Clock Back on the Wall

437 - Bill Fay - Goodnight Stan

438 - The Woolies - Who Do You Love

439 - Eyes of Blue - Supermarket Full Of Cans

440 - Les Fleurs De Lys - I Like What I'm Trying To Do

441 - Marksmen - Moonshine

442 - The Light Brigade - Lonnie's Song

443 - The Smoke - No More Now

444 - The Es-Shades - Anyday, anywhere

445 - Wimple Winch -Tomorrow

446 - The Lemon Fog - Echoes Of Time (Original Single Master)

447 - Twice as Much - The Time Is Right 

448 - The Rainbow Press - I've Found Someone

449 - Ronnie Burns - Exit Stage Right

450 - Kenny & The Kasuals - Journey to tyme

451 - The Nomads - Situations

452 - The Young Aristocracy - Look And See

453 - The Wig - crackin' up

454 - The Honey Jug - Warm City Baby (Honey Jug) 

455 - Mike Furber & The Bowery Boys - You Stole My Love

456 - The Quests - Psychic 

457 - The Phycle - Yesterday's Obsession 

458 - The Bacardis - Don't Sell Yourself

459 - The Perils - Hate

460 - Timebox - Walking Through The Streets OF My Mind

461 -  Evil - Whatcha Gonna Do About It

462 - Don Fardon - We Can Make It Together

463 - Ugly Ducklings - Windy City (Noise At The North End)

464 - The Wilde Knights - Beaver Patrol

465 - Los Holy's - Holy's Psicodélicos

466 - Flight 13 - Dearly Beloved

467 - Ray Hoff & The Offbeats - Let's Go, Let's Go, Let's Go

468 - The Chamber Brothers  - Time Has Come Today

469 - Simon Dupree And The Big Sound - Love Me

470 - Somebody's Image - Hide & Seek

471 - Gene Clark - Elevator Operator

472 - 49th Parallel - Laborer

473 - The Roulettes - Shake

474 - Classical M - Bad Guy

475 - Roy Junior - Victim Of Circumstances

476 - Normie Rowe & The Playboys - It Ain't Necessarily So

477 - Mickey Finn - Night Comes Down

478 - Ebb Tides - Seance

479 - Del-Tones - Sticks and Stones

480 - The Action - Shadows And Reflections

481 - The Yo-Yo's - Leaning On You

482 - El Polen - Mi Cueva

483 - The Scot Richard Case - Midnight to Six Man

484 - The Groop - Sorry

485 - Rob Kirk & The Word - Girl Talk

486 - The Sir Finks - Can't Be Still

487 - George Fleming - Ubangi Stomp

488 - Zen - I've Been Drowned

489 - Charles - Motorcycle

490 - Small Faces - I've Got Mine

491 - Sands  -  Listen To The Sky

492 -The Jefferson Handkerchief - I'm Allergic To Flowers

493 - The Vogues - Five O'Clock World

494 - Elroy Dietzel & The Rhythm Bandits - Sticks and Stones

495 - Little John and The Sherwoods - Long Hair

496 - The Electric Flag - Fine Jung Thing

497 - Gene Moles - Burnin' Rubber

498 - Flower Pot Men - In A Moment Of Madness 

499 - Zakary Thaks - Can you Hear your Daddy's Footsteps

500 - Bonniwell Music Machine - Worry (vocal)

501 - The Knickerbockers  - Come And Get It 

502 - Peanut Butter Conspiracy - Turn On A Friend (To The Good Life)

503 - Nitty Gritty Dirt Band - Truly Right

504 - Grapefruit - Theme For Twiggy

505 - The Sevens - You Should Know

506 - Simon Dupree And The Big Sound - What Cha Gonna Do

507 - The Hard Times - Play It For Me

508 - The Fire Escape - Love Special Delivery

509 - The Mindbenders - One Fine Day

510 - It's a Beautiful Day - Bulgaria

511 - The Yellow Balloon - Can't Get Enough Of Your Love

512  - Stained Glass - Vanity Fair 

513 - The Lost Souls - Enchanted Sea

514 - The Neighb'rhood Children - Louie Louie

515 - The Blues Project - Wake Me Shake Me

516 - The Spikes Drivers - High Time

517 - Ogden - David Mitchell

518 - Bon Scott - Getting Better

519 - Terry Reid - Bang Bang ( My Baby Shot Me Down )

520 - Vince Taylor & The Playboys - Shaking All Over

521 - The Peppermint Trolley Company - Trust

522 - The Beatmakers  - The Hip

523 - The Wylde Maniacs - Why (Ain't Love Fair )

524 - The Gentrys - You Make Me Feel Good

525 - Pedestrians - Too Late

526 - Human Instinct - Rainbow World

527 - Outcasts - Smokestack Lightning

528 - Eastern Alliance - Love Fades Away

529 - The Chosen Lot - Time Was

530 - Doug Parkinson in Focus - Dear Prudence

531 - People - I Love You

532 - The Ant Trip Ceremony - Outskirts

533 - Dave Miller Set - Hard Hard Year

534 - The Electric Prunes - I had too much to dream (last night)

535 - The Vibrants -  Something About You

536 - The Loved Ones - Everlovin' Man

537 -  Skip Bifferty - Cover Girl 

538  - It's A Beautiful Day - White bird

539 - The Common People - Take From You

540 - Quiet Five - Tomorrow I'll Be Gone

541 - Amen Corner - Expressway To Your Heart

542 - The Rationals - Feeling Lost

543 - Loose Ends - That's It

544 - Lyme & Cybelle - Follow me

545 - Turquoise - Sister Saxophone

546 - The Mystery Trend - Mambo for Marion

547 - Dream - You're Right About Me

548 - Mandrake Paddle Steamer - Strange Walking man

549 - The Byrds - Eight miles high

550 - The Rainbow Press - Step Aboard

551 - Morning Dew - Satan Got A Hold On Thee

552 - Disraeli - What Will The New Day Bring

253 - Golden Dawn - My Time

554 - The Fireballs - Groovy Motions

555 - The Fox - Hey! Mr Carpenter

556 - Sound Sandwich - Apothecary Dream

557 - Faine Jade - Games People Play

558 - Factory - Try a Little Sunshine

559 - Big Brother & The Holding Company - Coo coo

560 - Top Drawer - Lies

561 - The Executives - It's A Happening World

562 - Normie Rowe & The Playboys - Baby Call On Me                                

563 - Stained Glass -Finger Painting

564 - Syndicate - Next 21st Of May

565 - The Youngbloods - Darkness, darkness

566 - Mother's Worry - Can't Seem To Come Down

567 - Mind's Eye - Help I'm Lost

568 - Sopwith Camel - Frantic desolation 

569 - Peanut Butter Conspiracy - Too Many Do

570 - Ray Brown & The Whispers - Pride

571 - The Id - Our Man Hendrix

572 - Stained Glass -Lady In Lace

573 - The Ant Trip Ceremony - Four In The Morning

574 - The Zoo - Have You Been Sleepin'

575 - The Knickerbockers - What Does That Make You

576 - The Quest's - I'm Tempted 

577 - Thee Midniters - Whittier Blvd

578 - Renegades - She's Your Find

579 - Hunger! - Workshop

580 - Jeff St John & The Id - Big Time Operator

581 - Unrelated Segments - It's Not Fair

582 - The Fifth Order - Bonfire

583 - The Royal Guardsmen - So Right

584 - The Missing Links - The Crowded Part Of Town                                

585 - Eternity’s Children - Hard, Hard Year

586 - Beautiful Daze - City Jungle Part 2

587 - The Sanctions - Jack The Ripper

588 - Mockingbirds - Lovingly Yours

589 - The Egyptians - Steppin' On Up 

590 - Grodes - Cry A Little Longer

591 - Donovan - Sunshine Superman 

592 - The Rose Garden - Here's Today

593 - The Delcords - I Got Wise

594 - Johnny Sandon & The Remo Four - Lies

595  - The Emotions - Sometimes

596 - The Charlatans - Easy When I'm Dead

597 - King Fox - Unforgotten Dreams 

598 - Glass Sun - Silence In The Morning

599 - The Morfomen - Write Me A Letter

600 - Marksmen - But Why_6

601 - The Children - I Can Feel It

602 - The Gnomes Of Zurich - Hang On Baby

603 - Tempests - Look Away

604 - The Thyme - Very Last Day

605 - Barry Allen with Wes Dakus' Rebels - And My Baby's Gone

606 - The Bluestars - Social End Product

607 - The Galaxies IV - Don't Lose Your Mind

608 - The Feminine Complex - Time Slips By

609 - The Riptides - Machine Gun

610 - The Tremeloes - Ain't Nothing But A House Party

611 - Phil and The Frantics - I Must Run

612 - Birdwatchers - Mary Mary

613 - E-Types - Just A Little

614 - The Pandamonium - Waiting For The Summer

615 - Tom Beal - That Girl Isn't Comin' Today

616 - The Apollos  - That's The Breaks

617 - The Royal Guardsmen - I Say Love

618 - Dean Ford & The Gaylords - The Name Game

619 - The Riddles - It's One Thing To Say

620 - Escapades - Mad, Mad, Mad

621 - The Uniques - You Ain’t Tuff

622 - The Loved Ones - Ongo Bongo Man

623 - Eternity’s Children - Time And Place

624 - The Castels - Save A Chance

625 - Top Drawer - What Happened Before They Took The People Away

626 - The Cords - Sin Crazed Woman

627 - Shoppe - Soap And Crime

628 - The Balloon Farm - A Question of Temperature

629 - The Standells - Why Pick On Me

630 - The Groop - Haunted Places 

631 - The British North-American Act - I'll Find A Way 

632 - The Snowmen - Ski Storm (Part One)

633 - The Mindbenders - Honey And Wine

634 - The Quests - I'm Tempted 

635 - The Human Beinz - I've Got To Keep On Pushing

636 - Stillroven - Under My Thumb

637 - October Country - My Girlfriend Is A Witch

638 - Python Lee Jackson - Um Um Um Um

639 - The Crabs - Bye Bye My Little Girl

640 - Sounds Unlimited - Why Doesn't She Believe Me

641 - Striders - Am I On Your Mind

642 - The Rangers - Mogul Monster

643 - The Dakotas - Cruel Sea

644 - Cherry Slush - I Cannot Stop You

645 - Quiet Jungle - Everything

646 - Tony Sheridan - Sweet Georgia Brown 

647 - Tikis - Show You Love

648 - Frumious Bandersnatch - Hearts To Cry

649 - Spats - Bottom Of It 

650 - Vince Taylor et les Bobby Clarke's Noise - My Baby Left Me 

651 - The Peanut Butter Conspiracy - Big Bummer 

652 - The Creation -  Instrumental

653 - A-440 - Torture

654 - Cat Stevens - A Bad Night

655 - The Paramounts - I'm The One Who Loves You

656 - The Swinging Blue Jeans - You're No Good

657 - The Omen - Once Upon A Taste

658 - Grapefruit - This Little Man

659 - Lee Mallory - That's The Way It's Gonna Be

660 - The Del-Vetts - Last Time Around

661 - The Rationals - Little Girls Cry

662 - Jackasses - Sugaree

663 - Tokens - For All That I Am

664 - Simon Dupree And The Big Sound - Thinking About My Life

665 - The Famous Last Words - Hey Little Schoolgirl

666 - The Moody Blues - And My Baby's Gone

667 - The Knickerbockers - They Run For Their Lives 

668 - The Bubble Puppy - Keep Your Mouth Shut Once In A While

669 - The Pedestrians - It's Too Late 

670 - Corporate Image - Not Fade Away

671 - The Petards - Baby Man

672 - The Beaux Jens - She Was Mine 

673 - The Rainbow Press - A Simple Way

674 - The Motivations - The Bird

675 - Magic Swirling Ship - He's Comin' Part II

676 - The Misunderstood - I Can Take You to the Sun

677 - Huns - I've Got You On My Mind

678 - The News - Blue Shoes

679  - We The People - Double Trouble

680 - The Grodes - She's Got What It Takes 

681 - The Shaprels - Desert Maiden

682 - Collectors - Make It Easy

683 - Russel Morris - The Real Thing

684 - The Charlatans - The Innocent Bystander

685 - The The Wheels - Bad Little Woman

686 - Q65 - Cry In The Night

687 - Pure Jade Green - How's He Gonna Find Me

688 - Five Cards Stud - Everybody Needs Somebody

689 - The Savage Rose - Evenings Child

690 - The Groop - The Continental 

691 - The Cyrkle - Something Special

692 - The Living Daylights - Always With Him

693 - The Librettos - Kicks

694 - Dick Curtis - It's Not the Same

695 - The Common People - Look Around 

696 - Deepest Blue - You'd better change

697 - Brainbox - Down Man 

698 - Chantels - Have You Ever Felt Blue

699 - The Missing Lynx - Behind Locked Doors

700 - Classical M -  Pauvre Cobaye 

701 - Chosen Few - Asian Chrome

702 - The Music Machine - Point of No Return 

703 - Destiny's Children - For me

704 - The Thyme - Someshow

705 - Russell Morris - Wings Of An Eagle

706 - Defiant 4 - Away From Home

707 - Blues Magoos - (We Ain't Got) Nothin' Yet

708 - Dearly Beloved - I'm Not Coming Back 

709 - The Glass Family - House Of Glass

710 - Vince Taylor & The Bobby Clark's Noise - Honey Don't

711 - The Impacts - Wipe Out

712 - The Commons Ltd - I'm Going To Change The World

713 - The McCoys - Don't Worry Mother Your Son's Heart Is Pure

714 - Marshmallow - Steamshovel

715 - Tommy Boyce & Bobby Hart - Words 

716 - The Ventures - Endless Dream

717 - P & B Group - It's A Delusion

718 - The Beckett Quintet - No Correspondence

719 - Time - Label It Love

720 - C.A Quintet - Smooth as Silk

721 - The Lemon Drops - I Live In The Springtime

722 - Michel & The French Canadians - Cause I Believe

723 - The Lively Ones - Scratch

724 - The Quest - Love

725 - The Action - Wasn't It You

726 - White Lightning - (Under The Screaming Double) Eagle

727 - The Electras - Won't Take No For An Answer

728 - Claytons - You're Putting Me On

729 - Thor's Hammer - I Don't Care (Iceland)

730 - The Undertakers - (I Fell In Love) For The Very First Time 

731 - Manfred Mann - Tired Of Trying, Bored With Lying, Scared Of Dying

732 - Cobras - If I Can't Believe Her

733 - The Spencer Davis Group - I Can't Get Enough of It

734 - Hope - Of Times You Can See

735 - What's Happening - Baby You're Hurtin'

736 - Nameless - Life 

737 - Gary Benson - Help Me Catch The Morning Breeze

738 - Homer's Knods - Mr Rainbow

739 - Rain - Outta My Life

740 - The Druids Of Stonehenge - Forgot To Begot

741 - The Pandamonium - Sunrise

742 - The Vogues - The Land Of Milk And Honey

743 - Blues Section - Please Mr. Wilson

744 - Blues Dimension - You Cannot Leave The Past Behind 

745 - 49th Parallel - (The) Magician

746 - Pat Wayne & The Beachcombers - Roll Over Beethoven

747 - The Pyramid - Summer Of Last Year 

748 - Dirty Filthy Mud - The Forest Of Black

749 - The Outcasts - 1523 Blair

750 - Incredible - She Died

751 - The Nicols - She Had A Name To Find Out

752 - The Lemon Fog - Lemon Fog 

753 - Ramases - Balloon

754 - Graf Zeppelin - You're In My Mind

755 - The Cascades - I Bet You Won't Stay

756 - The Blue Things - Twist And Shout

757 - Magic Lanterns - Time Will Tell

758 - Cryin' Shames - Heat Wave

759 - Canterbury Fair - Song On A May Morning

760 - Martin Raynor & The Secrets - Candy To Me

761 - The Pretty Things - Midnight to Six Man

762 - Q65 - Country Girl

763 - Skip Bifferty - Schizoid Revolution

764 - The Shoes - That Tender Looking Angel

765 - Normie Rowe & The Playboys - Going Home

766 - Don Fardon - Indian Reservation

767 - Laurels Sunshine - Sunshine Thursday

768  - Sweet Feeling - All So Long Ago

769 - Lincoln St. Exit - Sunday Sunday Dream

770 - The Blues Project - Goin' Down Louisiana

771 - The Librettos - She's A Go Go

772 - The Beatniks - Istanbul

773 - The Myddle Class - I Happen To Love You

774 - Savage Rose - Long Before I Was Born

775 - Children - This Sportin Life

776 - The Principals - Woman

777 - The Other Half - Fly Of The Dragon Lady

778 - The Flames - Dark man

779 - Mike Furber - You're Back Again

780 - Those Guys , Lookin' At You Behind The Glasses

781 - Bohemian Vendetta - Like Stoned

782 - Dayaks - So Long, Sad Sack

783 - Contact - Lovers From The Sky

784 - The Shots - Keep a Hold on What You Got

785 - Fleur De Lys - Liar

786 - Normie Rowe & The Playboys - Que Sera Sera

787 - The Magicians - An invitation to cry

788 - Alex Harvey - Maybe Some Day

789 - Zen - Sad Song

790 - The Pacifics - Lost My Baby

791 - The Young Men - Go Away Girl

792 - The Five - There's Time

793 - The Chateaux - Reverence Man Part I

794 - George Bean - Smile from Sequin

795- The Bunch Of Fives - At The Station

796 - Haymarket Riot - Nine O'Clock

797 - The Mushrooms - Such a Lovely Child

798 - The Thyme - No Opportunity Necessary, No Experience Needed

799 - The Music Machine - Absolutely Positively

800 - We The People - Beginning Of The End

801 - Peanut Butter Conspiracy - Living, Loving Life

802 - The Whiskers - Morning Dew 

803 - The Delights - Every Minute Every Hour Every Moment

804 - The Cyrkle - I Wisht You Could Be Here

805 - Morning Dew - Cherry Street

806 - Dearly Beloved - Merry Go Round

807 - Michael - Caretaker

808 - The Creation - For All That I Am 

809 - The Chocolate Watchband - Let’s Talk About Girls

810 - Roy Head - (You're)Almost Tuff Enough

811 - The Mindbenders - Tricky Dicky

812 - The Motions - Who'll Save My Soul

813 - The Delights - Just Out Of Reach

814 - Blackburn And Snow - Stranger In A Strange Land

815 - Those Lil' Ole Music Makers - Hitchhike

816 - Johnny Kendall & The Heralds - Saint James Infirmary

817- The Bubble Puppy - Secrets Of The Golden Shrine

818-  The Ventures - Theme from Endless Summer

819 - The Groop - Time Fire 

820 - Uncle Sound - Beverly Hills

821 - C.A. Quintet - Blow To My Soul

822 - The Centurions - Bullwinkle Part 2

823 - The Answers - Just a fear

824 - Shocking Blue - Poor Boy

825 - Zipps - Kick & Chicks

826 - The Creation - Sylvette 

827 - Q65 - World Of Birds

828 - The Mystery Trend - Carl Street

829 - The Shoes - Standing And Staring

830 - Nazz - Open My Eyes

831 - Q65 - I Despise You

832 - The Renaissance - Mary Jane

833 - The Mojo Men - Not Too Old To Start Cryin'

834 - Flower Pot Men - Brave New World 

835 - Bojoura - Everybody's Day

836 - The Wallabys - Old Man

837 - Casualairs - Satisfied

838 - Tony Church & The Crusade - Can you picture yourself

839 - George Baker Selection - Little Green Bag 

840 - The Mockingbirds - Treat Her Right

841 - The Cinders - Good Lovin's Hard To Find

842 - Brainbox - Dark Rose 1969

843 - Gene Clark - Couldn't Believe Her

844 - The Dovers - The Third Eye

845 - Evergreen Blues - Three's A Crowd

846 - You Can't Come Back - Tongues of truth

847 - Mystic Number National Bank - I Put A Spell On You

848 - Electric Train - Try Harder

849 - The Legends - High Towers

850 - Fifth Order - Goin' Too Far

851 - Bob Luman - Let's Think About Living

852 - Bob Regan - Tarantula

853 - Livin' End - She's A Teaser

854 - The Human Expression - Love at Psychedelic Velocity

855 - Gene Vincent - Bird Doggin'

856 - Twice As Much - We Can Work It Out 

857 - De Maskers - Three Is A Crowd

858 - Candy Apple, Cotton Candy

859 - Tommy James & The Shondells] Get Out Now

860 - R. Rogues - The Sound

861 - Iveys - And Her Donaire

862 - The Action - Twentyfourth Hour

863 - Dave Meyers & The Surftones - Moment Of Truth

864 - The Lively Ones - Misirlou

865 - Sagittarius - My World Fell Down

866 - Dragonfly - Celestial Dreams

867 - The Tongues of truth - Let's Talk About Girls

868 - The Easybeats  -  Say That You're Mine

869 - Birds - No Good Without You Baby 

870 - The Household Sponge - Scars

871 - Flat Earth Society - Feeling Much Better

872 - Zakary Thaks - Face To Face

873 - The Lemon Pipers - Green Tambouring

874 - The Mad Hatters - I'll Come Running

875 - The Music Machine - King Mixer                              

876 - The Centurions - Latin'ia

877 - The Craig - I Must Be Mad

878 - Prodigal - You Got Me                          

879 - The Petards - On the Road drinking Wine

880 - The Vagrants -  I Can't Make A Friend

881 - The Feminine Complex - Hold My Hand

882 - Brainbox - Scarborough Fair

883 - The Gods - You're My Life

884 - Zen - I Love Your Sigh 

885 - Plagues - I've Been Through It Before

886 - J.P. Sunshine - Hey Girl

887 - Young Aristocracy - Don't Lie

888 - The Jagged Edge - Gonna Find My Way

889 - Tyde - Lost

890 - Bobby Long & His Satellites - Mojo Workout

891 - The Sorrows - Teenage Letter

892- The Electric Prunes - Antique Doll

893 - The Litter - I'm So Glad

894 - We Five - You Were On My Mind

895 - The Caliphs - Today,Tomorrow

896 - Dino,Desi & Billy - Tell Someone That You Love Them

897 - The New Breed - Woman

898 - Cher  - Ol' Man River

899 - Phil Jones&The unknown Blues - If I Had A Ticket

900 - Wimple Winch - Save My Soul

901 - The Thym - Love To Love

902 - Nicholls Billy - Portobello road

903 - Cheques - To Stone

904 - Christopher - The Race

905 - Ray Brown And The Whispers - Too Late To Come Home

906 - The Clarks - All The Time 

907 - Miki Dallon - I'll Give You Love

908 - Mike Raynor and the Condors - Turn Your Head

909 - Five Hungry Men - Bustin' Rocks

910 - Michael Alred - Just Around the Corner

911 - Sayuri Yoshinaga with Schoolmates - Koi No Yorokobi

912 - Don Fardon - How Do You Break A Broken Hear

913 - Steve & The Board - Giggle Eyed Goo

914 - The Ugly Ducklings - Just In Case You Wonder

915 - Marquees - Marquees Party

916 - Morning Dew - Crusader's Smile

917 - Tammi And The Bachelors - My Summer Love

918 - The Moody Blues - We're Broken

919 - John Williams - Flowers in Your Hair

920 - The Id - Short Circuit

921 - The Shoes - Don't Cry For A girl

922 - Guy Darrell - Evil Woman

923 - Tapestry - Who Wants Happiness

924 - The Pretty Things - Walking Through My Dreams

925 - See The People - The Lomax Alliance

926 - Joker - Rip Van Winkle

927 - Gavin Hamilton - It Won't Be the Same

928 - Normie Rowe & The Playboys - The Breaking Point

929 - Skip Bifferty - Inside The Secret

930 - Shoo Shoo Shoo Fly - Greg McCarley

931 - The Shoes - After All

932 - Q 65 - Medusa

933 - Stevie Lorraino and The Clansmen - If You Always Say

934 - Bohemian Vendetta - Riddles & Fairytales

935 - Outer Limits - Help Me Please

936 - Circus - Something to Write About

937 - The Guys - Little Girl

938 - Erasmus Chorum - Mary Jane

939 - Ministry Of Sound - I'm Coming Home

940 - The Rascals - Sueno 

941 - The Idle Race - My Father's Son 

942 - The Motions - It's Gone

943 - Burt Bacharach - Made in Paris - Trini Lopez

944 - The Twilights - Needle In A Haystack

945 - The Pussycats - Just a little teardrop

946 - What Fou - Baby I Dig Love

947 - Beefeaters - It Ain't Necessarily So

948 - The Hollies - Very Last Day

949 - Mike Stuart Span - Through The Looking Glass 

950 - Ricky and the Rainbows - Going Out of My Mind 

951 - Sardonicus - Evaporated Brain

952 - The Missing Links - You're Driving Me Insane

953 - Purple Gang - The King Comes Riding

954 - The Whatt Four - You're Wishin' I Was Someone Else

955 - Katch 22 - Out Of My Life

956 - Edge Of Darkness - Mean Town

957 - The Cryan Shames - Sunshine Psalm

958 - Dearly Beloved - Wait Till The Mornin'

959 - The Mojo Men - She’s My Baby

960 - Chimera - Peru

961 - The Strangers - Happy Without You 

962 - The Hunters - Russian Spy And I 

963 - The Quests - Shadows In The Night 

964 - The Full Treatment - Just Can't Wait

965 - I Need Love - The Poor Little Rich Kids

966 - Fabulous Bachelors - Not Like She

967-  The Brain Train - Me

968 - Electric Rubayyat - If I Was A Carpenter

969 - The Skope - Be Mine Again (Piango Con Me)

970 - The Naturals - I Should Have Known Better

971 - Shocking Blue - Fireball Of Love

972 - Sounds Incorporated - How Do You Feel

973 - 49th Parallel - (Come On Little Child) Talk To Me

974  - Bohemian Vendetta - Enough

975 - The Missing Links - They Say You Lie

976 - The Cinders - Barbara White

977 - Joe Frank and The Knights - Can't Find A Way 

978 - The Squires - Anytime Anywhere

979 - The Action - Follow Me

980 - The Royal Guardsmen - Down Behind The Lines

981 - Aki Izumi - Koi Wa Heart De

982 - The No Names - Take It From Me

983 - The Just Luv - Valley Of Hate

984 - Blues Section - Semi-Circle Solitude

985 - John Farnham - Sadie 

986 - Crystal Syphon -  Don't Fall Brother

987 - The Vogues - True Lovers

988 - The Corporation - You Make Me Feel Good

989 - The Undertakers - It's My Time

990 - The Petards - Some sunny Sunday Morning

991 - The Music Machine - You'll Love Me Again.flac

992 - Blues Section - Only Dreaming

993 - Tony Sheridan - My Bonnie  

994 - Lil' Boys Blue - I'm Not There

995 - Rocking Ghosts, The - Ol' man Mose

996 - Tony & Siegrid - Up Here

997 - The Red Krayola - Pink Stainless Tail

998 - The Paniks - You're My Baby

999 - The Feminine Complex - It's Magic

1000 - Chris Duffy - Something for Now

1001 - Shamrocks - See me coming

1002 - The Enfields - She Already Has Somebody

1003 - Sam Gopal - It's Only Love

1004 - Tell Me Have You Ever Seen Me

1005 - Chocolate Moose - Chocolate Moose Theme

1006 - Classical M - Decomplexion

1007 - 49th Parallel - Missouri

1008 - The Common People - Soon There'll Be Thunder

1009 - The Mindbenders - Schoolgirl (Lp version)

1010 - Vic Richards - Jonathan Whatsit

1011 - Paul Jones - Come Into My Music Box

1012 - Don Fardon - Dreamin' Room

1013 - The Pattens - Jump

1014 - Thee Midnight Feeling

1015 - Spooky - Saparella

1016 - The Y'alls - Please Come Back

1017 - The Electras - This Week's Children

1018 - Mike Stuart Span - World in My Head

1019 - Paper Blitz Tissue - Grey Man

1020 - Vince Taylor & The Bobby Clark's Noise - The Men From El Paso

1021 - Tom Northcott - Who Planted Thorns In Miss Alice's Garden

1022 - The World Column - Lantern Gospel

1023 - The Mark Four - Forget It Baby

1024 - Little Jackie Monday - Sight & Sound

1025 - Michael Blount - Acorn Street

1026 - John Wonderling - Man Of Straw

1027 - Q65 - So High I've Been, So Down I Must Fall

1028 - Thee Sixpence - First Plane Home

1029 - Them - Dirty Old Man

1030 - The Poppy Family - Beyond The Clouds

1031 - Turquoise - Tales Of Flossie Fillett

1032 - The Alan Bown! - All Along the Watchtower

1033 - Creme Soda - Tonight

1034 - Grand Union - She Said, She Said

1035 - The Harbinger Complex - Tomorrow's Soul Sound

1036 - David John & the Mood - Diggin' For Gold 

1037 - Blue Things - Orange Rooftop Of Your Mind

1038 - 18th. Century Quartet - Rachael

1039 - Bill Kenwright and the Runaways - I Want to Go Back There Again

1040 - Shocking Blue - Long And Lonesome Road

1041 - The State Of Mind - Goin' Away

1042 - Moonlighters - Broken Heart

1043 - Sonny Bala and The Moonglows - Atalanta

1044 - Q65 - Where Is The Key

1045 - Cups - Good as Gold

1046 - Sarah Jane - Listen People

1047 - The Mystrys - Witch Girl

1048 - Rick Price & Mike Sheridan - Face In My Window

1049 - The Trademarks , If I Was Gone

1050 - Q65 - The Life I Live 1966

1051 - The Ferris Wheel - I Can't Break The Habit

1052 - Tommy Quickly - I'll Go Crazy

1053 - The Syndicats - Crawdaddy Simone

1054 - Calliope - I'll Take It Back

1055 - Wes Dakus' Rebels - Shotgun

1056 - Brendan Phillips - When She's Kissing Me

1057 - The Perishers - How Does It Feel

1058 -  Leviathan - Flames

1059 - Billy Boyle - Pisces Man

1060 - The Ventures - Vibrations

1061 - Driftwood - The Factotums

1062 - Pretty Things - You Might Even Say

1063 - Bryan Neale With The Checkmates - Mojo

1064 - Distant Cousins - She Ain't Lovin You

1065 - Oedipus Complex - Empty highway

1066 - Max Frost & The Troopers - Shape Of Things To Come

1067 - The Sheffields - Plenty of Love

1068 - Centurions - Latin'ia

1069 - Rescue Co. N1 - Gotta Find You

1070 - Los Bravos -Bring A Little Lovin' 

1071 - Aros - Indian Girl

1072 - Billy Boyle - Lookin' For Love

1073 - Wayne Fontana - Charlie Cass

1074 - Andromeda - Day of the Change

1075 - The Moody Blues - How Can We Hang on to a Dream

1076 - Chuckles - Painting The Day

1077 - Jeannie & The Big Guys - Sticks And Stones

1078 - Zen - Hair 1969

1079 - Grass Roots - Let's Live for Today 

1080 - Brendan Phillips - Is It Worth A Try

1081 - The Association - Windy

1082 - Peppermint Circus - Keeping My Head Above Water

1083 - Lulu - That's Really Some Good (Thomas) (1964)

1084 - The Misty Wizards - It's Love

1085 - Contact - Lovers From The Sky 

1086 - Dead Sea Fruit - Seeds Of Discontent

1087 - Earth & Fire - Seasons

1088 - Fabulous Blue Jays - I'll Make You Cry Too

1089 - Don And The Agitators  - Going Back Home

1090 - The Music Machine - Discrepancy

1091 - Writing On The Wall - Child of the Crossing

1092 - The Clinkers - No more potations

1093 - Episode Six - Morning Dew

1094 - The Pogs - I'll Never Love Again

1095 - Bonniwell Music Machine - Discrepancy

1096 - Crystal Syphon - It's Winter

1097 - Perfumed Garden - Cover Girl

1098 - American Blues - All I Saw Was You

1099 - The Groop - Tears And Joys 

1100 - The Motions - For Another Man

1101 - The Act - Cobbled Streets

1102 - Del Shannon - You Don't Love Me

1103 - The Tempests - Our Loving Ways

1104 - Bruthers - Bad Love

1105 - Freedom - Seeing is Believing

1106 - Jerry Shore - Talking To The Rain

1107 - The Groundhogs - Shake It

1108 - The Conqueroo - 1 To 3

1109 - The Sleepy - Rosie Can't Fly

1110 - Keith Field - Stop Thief

1111 - The Mariane - Like A See Saw

1112 - Cave-Dwellers - Meditation

1113 - Thee Midniters - Down Whittier Blvd

1114 - The Action - Love Is All

1115 - Midnight Shift - Never Gonna Stop Lovin' You

1116 - The Weekends - Want You

1117- The Misunderstood - I Unseen 

1118 - Kaplan - I Like

1119 - The Haunted -Twist

1120 - Night Birds - Night Birds

1121 - Watch Committee - Now I think the other way

1122 - James Taylor Move - Magic Eyes

1123 - Pan Pipers - Stop

1124 - Dewayne & Beldettas - Hurtin'

1125 - Birdwatchers - I'm Gonna Love You Anyway

1126 - The Atlantics - Bombora

1127 - The Playboys - It's Awright

1128 - Big Town Boys - August 32nd

1129 - Skip Bifferty - Yours For At Least 24

1130 - Howard Walker,Bombthrowers - Love will find a Way 

1131 - Thor's Hammer - The Big Beat Country Dance

1132 - The Showmen - So Far Away

1133 - The Rainy Days -  I Can Only Give You Everything

1134 - The Druids - She's Got A Secret To Hide

1135 - The Triumphs - Better Come Get Her

1136 - The Rainbow Press - Have You Ever

1137 - The New Breed - High Society Girl

1138 - Bohemian Vendetta - I Wanna Touch Your Heart

1139 - Thee Midniters - Devil With A Blue Dress

1140 - Head Murray - She was perfection

1141 - Deuce Coup - Angela

1142 - Julian Kirsch - Clever little man

1143 - Fenwyck - Mindrocker

1144 - The Feminine Complex - I've Been Working on You

1145 - Los Datsun's - En El Sol

1146 - Mind Garage - Sweet Potato

1147 - Tony Rivers and the Castaways - Pantomime

1148 - The Living End - Turkey Stomp

1149 - The Lemon Fog - Lemon Fog (Original Single Master)

1150 - Q65 - It Came To Me

1151 - Remo Four - Peter Gunn

1152 - Birds Birds - Say Those Magic Words 

1153 - The Shame - Don’t Go ‘Way Little Girl

1154 - The Countdown Five - Money Man

1155 - Boeing Duveen and The Beautiful Soup - Jabberwock

1156 - The Gibsons - Lazy Summer Day

1157 - The Free - Decision For Lost Soul Blues

1158 - Brendan Phillips - Pack Your Bags

1159 - Syndicate Of Sound - Dream Baby

1160 - Mind Garage - What's Behind Those Eyes

1161 - Bruno - Wander Boy

1162 - The Ferris Wheel - Three Cool Cats

1163 - Don't Bother - Katch 22

1164 - Tony Fabian - Girl of The Night

1165 - Cam-Pact - I'm Your Puppet

1166 - The Idle Race - The Birthday

1167 - Jon Polly - Sunday

1168 - Paul Raven - Musical Man

1169 - Chocolate Watch Band - What's It To You

1170 - The Shy Guys - We Gotta Go

1171 - Mud - You're My Mother

1172 - The Unusuals - I'm Walkin', Babe

1173 - John Hatton & the Devotions - I Should Be Ashamed

1174 - Denni Wilson and The Comancheros - Till You Came Along

1175 - The Enfields - I'm For Things You Do

1176 - Johnny Farnham - One

1177 - Tony & The Swing Blues - Madman

1178 - Chylds - Hay Girl

1179  - The Couriers - Done Me Wrong

1180 - The Moving Sidewalks - What Are You Going To Do

1181 - Chayns - Why Did You Hurt Me

1182 - Dead Sea Fruit - Kensington High Street 

1183 - Ranee and Raj - Razor Edge

1184 - Circus Maximus - Short-Haired Fathers

1185 - Music Emporium - Nam Myoho Renge Kyo

1186 - Johnny Sandon & The Remo Four - Lies

1187 - Wimple Winch - Rumble On Mersey Square South

1188 - Situation - Time

1189 - Thee Midniters - Money

1190 - The Mirage - Just A Face

1191 - Bohemian Vendetta - I Don't Go That Way

1192 - Grapefruit - Yes

1193 - The Ragamuffins - Two Much

1194 - Chantels - Shaggy Baggy Joe

1195 - Harbour Lites - Run For Your Life

1196 - Unit Four Plus Two -  I Was Only Playing Games

1197 - Cool Cats - Machines

1198 - The Premiers - Farmer John

1199 - The Action - Never Ever

1200 - Vince Taylor & The Playboys - Johnny, Remember Me

1201 - Seymour Kelly - Indian scene

1202 - The Zodiacs - No no no

1203 - Gene McDaniels - Tower of Strength

1204 - The Circus - Bad Seed

1205 - The Kool - Step Out of Your Mind

1206 - Thor's Hammer - Better Days 

1207 - Bobby Vinton - Blue on Blue

1208 - Chocolate Soup - Otherside

1209 - First Crow to the Moon - The Sun Lights Up the Shadows of Your Mind

1210 - Jean & The Statesiders - Putty In Your Hands

1211 - The Daughters Of Eve - Help Me Boy

1212 - The Dave Clark Five -  I Can't Stand It 

1213 - Tony Colton - I've Laid Some Down In My Time

1214 - The Mindbenders - The Morning After

1215 -.Roberta Wolfson  -  Tobacco Road

1216 - Ola & The Janglers - We`ve Got A Groovy Thing Going

1217 - Keith Relf - Shapes In My Mind

1218 - The League - Hey Conductor

1219 - Sentrificial Fours - You Put Me Through Changes

1220 - The Poets - That's The Way It's Got To Be

1221 - Rogues - put you down

1222 - Royal flairs - suicide

1223 - Jon - Sing Out

1224 - The Tone Benders - Little Black Egg

1225 - Fatimas  -  Hoochy Coo

1226 - 14 - Drizzle

1227 - Simon Dupree & the Big Sound -  Kites

1228 - The Mooche - Hot Smoke and Sassafras

1229 - Venus Flytrap  -  The Note

1230 - Russ Kruger - Well, Ain't That Nice

1231 - Infantes Jubilate - Exploding Galaxy

1232 - The Pretty Things - My Time 

1233 - Kippington Lodge - I Can See Her Face

1234 - The Common People - They Didn't Even Go To The Funeral

1235 - Chayns - Run And Hide

1236 - Perth County Conspiracy - Take your time

1237 - The Sevens - I Can't Understand

1238 - The Magicians - Painting On Wood

1239 - The Ventures - Psyched-out

1240 - The Mint - Luv

1241 - Kytes - Running in the Water

1242 - Yo Yo's - The Raven

1243 - The Pussycats - I Want Your Love

1244 - The Hunters - Janosh 

1245 - The Purple Hearts - Of Hopes And Dreams And Tombstones

1246 - Chantays - Pipeline

1247 - The Pandamonium - It´s A Long Time

1248 - Lulu & The Luvers - Surprise Surprise

1249 - The Groop -  The Jet Song  

1250 - Turquoise -  Flying Machine

1251 - The Poppy Family -  What Can The Matter Be

1252 - Peter Jay & The Jaywalkers - This Time

1253 - El Alamo - Pusher Men

1254 - The Bourbons -  Of Old Approximately

1255 - The Mindbenders - All Night Worker

1256 - The Smoke - It Could Be Wonderful

1257 - The Dark Horsemen ‎– You Lied

1258 - Clear Light - Night sounds loud

1259 -  Phase 4 - Listen To The Blues

1260 - 0liver Klaus - Sunny Day

1261 - The Energy Package - This Is The Twelfth Night

1262 - 101 Strings Orchestra - Karma Sitar

1263 - Earth And Fire - LADO 2- 21st Century Show

1264 - The Trespassers - Living Memories

1265 - Roads End - Why

1266 - Rockin Vickers - Little Rosy

1267 - The Minimum Daily Requirements - I'm Grounded

1268 - The Parrots - Put The Clock Back On The Wall

1269 - The Mystic Astrology Crystal Band - Yesterday Girl

1270 - The 4 of Us - You Gonna Be Mine

1271 - The Ethics - It's OK

1272 - Omnibus - Shake It Off

1273 - Aggregation - Change

1274 - Jim Edgar & The Roadrunners - The Place

1275 - Lulu - Satisfied (King-Kelley)

1276 - The Bubble Puppy - Hot Smoke And Sasafrass

1277 - The 910 Fruitgum Company - Reflections

1278 - Ginger Valley - Ginger

1279 - The Touch  -Not So Fine

1280 - The Badd Boys - Told You So

1281 - The Cherokees - I'll Give You Love

1282 - Turnstyle - Trot

1283 - Carolyn Hester Coalition - Buddha (Was Her Best Man)

1284 - The Bob Seger System - 2+2 =,?

1285 - The Furniture - I Love It Baby

1286 - The Boss Tweeds - A Wristwatch Band

1287 - Every Step I Take (Every Move I Make)

1288 - Living Daylights - It's Real (aka I'm Real)

1289 - Andy Ellison - Cornflake Zoo

1290 - Disciples of Shaftesbury - Times Gone By

1291 - The Magic Mushroom - Cry Baby

1292 - Turquoise - Woodstock

1293 - The Action - Only Dreaming

1294 - The Grifs - Catch A Ride

1295 - The Red-Lite District - I Gotta Know

1296 - Pat Farrel&The Believers - Gotta Find Her

1297 - The Grammy Phones -  Now He's Here

1298 - The Hush - Grey

1299 - Thursday's Children - A Part Of You

1300 - The Little Bit os Sound - Girls Who Paint Designs

1301 - Sadie's Expression - Yesterday Was Such A Lovely Day (Elsie)

1302 - Rockin Vickers - Baby Never Say Goodbye

1303 -  Earth And Fire - Ruby Is The One

1304 - Ramases & Selket - Mind's Eye

1305 - The Poets - Baby Don't You Do It 

1306 - Count Five  Mailman

1307 - Merseybeats - I Stand Accused

1308 - The Others - Revenge

1309 - The Pink Finks - Louie, Louie

1310 - Peabody - Days Of Rest

1311 - le Bain Didonc - 4 Chevaux Dans Le Vent 

1312 - Zen - Wayfaring Stranger

1313 - The Ragamuffins - Talk Me Down

1314 - The Knickerbockers - High On Love

1315 - The Standells - Did You Ever Have That Feeling

1316 - The Misunderstood - Find The Hidden Door

1317 - New York Public Library - Which Way To Go

1318 - The Unrelated Segments - Cry, Cry, Cry

1319 - Katherine and The Firebyrds - He's Sure to Remember Me

1320 - The In Crowd - Am I Glad To SeeYou

1321 - The Tikis - Bye Bye Bye (Warner Bros. Single Version)

1322 - The Weeds - You Must Be A Witch

1323 - Purple Gang - Madam Judge

1324 - Tales Of Justine - Monday Morning

1325 - The Petards - The Fountain

1326 - The Throb - Black

1327 - Joker - Festival Of The Harvest Moon

1328 - The Picadilly Line - Yellow Rainbow

1329 - Oliver Klaus - Feeling Groovy

1330 - Bobby Fuller Four - Misirlou (Live)

1331 - The Couriers - Take Away

1332 - Fruitgum Company - C'e Qualcosa Che Non Ricordo Piu

1333 - The Peppermint Trolley Company - Trust

1334 - The Truth - Come On Home

1335 - T.I.M.E. - Finder's Keepers

1336 - The Ohio Express - She's Not Comin' Home

1337 - Bob Seger & The Last Heard - Vagrant Winter

1338 - Bill Fay -  We Have Laid Here

1339 - Paul Jones - Aquarius (McDermot-Rado-Ragni)

1340 - Endle St. Cloud - Come Through

1341 - Things To Come - Tomorrow

1342 - The Alan Bown Set - Violin Shop

1343 - Jimmy Royal And The Hawks - I'm Leaving You

1344 - Mike Vickers - On The Brink

1345 - Mark Wirtz Orchestra - Comin' Home Baby

1346 - Oliver Bone - Jugger Tea

1347 - Johnny Get Angry - Joanie Sommers

1348 - The Blue Aces Showband - You Don't Believe

1349 - Fever Tree - Imitation Situation (Complete And Unabridged)

1350 - Herb Alpert & The Tijuana Brass - Wade In The Water

1351 - October Country - Little Boy Smiling

1352 - The Imp-Acts - If I Were The Only One

1353 - Choab - Why Am I Alone

1354 - Bob Seger& The Last Head - Sock It To Me Santa

1355 - Purple Gang - Mr. Aldred Jones

1356 - Phillip Goodhand-Tait & The Stormsville Shakers - It's a Lie

1357 - The Millennium - I Just Want To Be Your Friend

1358 - I'd Rather See You Dead

1359 - Angelina - Wishing My Life Away

1360 - The New Faces - Never Gonna Love Again

1361 - Merseybeats - Don't Turn Around

1362 - The Shadrocks - There Is

1363 - Gene Clark - So You Say You Lost Your Baby

1364 - The Search Party - Montgomery Chapel.1

1365 - Blue Rondos The - Little Baby

1366 - Jason Eddy & The Centremen - What'cha Gonna Do Baby

1367 - The Gods - Hey Bulldog

1368 - Eden Kane - Gotta Get Through to You

1369 - Robb Storme And The Whispers - Love Is Strange

1370 - The Cedars - Hide If You Want To Hide

1371 - The Syndicats - On The Horizon

1372 - The Truth - Cypress (Hey Gyp - instrumental)

1373 -  Mal Ryder & The Spirits - Your Friend

1374 - Lazarus - I'll Get To You

1375 - The Fallen Angels - Poor Old Man 

1376 - Noval Local - $5 Ticket

1377 - Syndicate Of Sound - Big Boss Man

1378 - The Ones - Lady Greengrass

1379 - The Golden Dawn - Starvation

1380 -The Scorpions - Keep a knocking

1381 - The Coastliners - Alright

1382 - The Outer Limits - Just One More Chance

1383 - Bill Fay - The Room

1384 -1910 Fruitgum Company - The Train

1385 - Band of Angels - Gonna Make a Woman of You

1386 - King Lear - The Snake

1387 - Tommy James & The Shondells - Crimson And Clover

1388 - Tony Head Sharon Tandy - Two Can Make It Together

1389 - Dillard & Clark - With Care From Someone

1390 - Robb & Dean Douglas - Phone Me

1391 - The Untamed - My Baby Is Gone

1392 - Neal Ford&The Fanatics Good Men - Medley - Lucille - I'm Down

1393 - Pasternak Progress - Cotton Soul

1394 - The Cortinas - Phoebe's flower shop

1395 - Ill Wind - High Flying Bird

1396 - The Stillroven - Come In The Morning

1397 - The Apple - The Otherside

1398 - Merseybeats - Good Good Lovin'

1399 - Purple Gang - The Wizard

1400 - Tales Of Justine - Pathway

1401 - The Gods - He's Growing

1402 - Fever Tree - The God Game

1403 - The Shady Daze - I'll Make You Pay

1404 - Bombadil - When the City Sleeps

1405 - The Peppermint Trolley Company - Free

1406 - Tim Wilde - Popcorn Double Feature

1407 - The Montanas  - Anyone There

1408 - The Crazy World of Arthur Brown - Devil's Grip

1409 - Michael Allen - I Can't Stand It

1410 - T.I.M.E. - Let The Colors Keep On

1411 - The Sheffields - Plenty of Love

1412 - Others - I Cant Stand this Love

1413 - Tales Of Justine - Aurora

1414 - The Wave - Ain't a Shame

1415 - oul Survivors - All My Love

1416 - The Movement - Green Knight

1417 - Tom and the Tempest's - It's over now

1418 - Peanut Butter Conspiracy - Dark On You Now

1419 - Nine To Five - Promise

1420 - Classical M - Gog Demagog

1421 - Herb Alpert & The Tijuana Brass - Don't Go Breaking My Heart

1422 - The Ohio Express - I Know We'll Be Togethe

1423 - Merrell and The Exils - Tampa Run

1424 - Lord And The Flies - Echoes

1425 - The Koobas - Youd Better Make Up Your Mind

1426 - Lewis & Clarke Expedition - Blue Revelation

1427 - Sonny Hall - Poor Planet Earth

1428 - 49th Parallel - You Do Things

1429 - The Third Rail - The Invisible Man

1430 - Blossom Toes - I'll Be Late For Tea

1431 - Joanie Sommers - Don't Pity Me

1432 - Endle St. Cloud - Quest For Beauty

1433 - Smoke - Dream of Dreams

1434 - Brain Police - Once And For All Girl

1435 - Crocheted Doughnut Ring - Two Little Ladies

1436 - The Bubble Puppy - Lonely

1437 - Georgy and the Velvet Illusions - Hippy Town

1438 - Sidewalk Skipper Band - Strawberry Tuesday

1439 - Big Brother And The Holding Company - Down On Me (Live)

1440 - The Knickerbockers - High On Love

1441 - Ronnie Ross & The Good Guys - If You Ever Go

1442 - Tomorrow - Why

1443 - The Rokes - Let's Live For Today

1444 - Count Five - Psychotic Reaction

1445 - Sands  -  Weddings Make Me Cry

1446 - The Midnights - Only Two Can Play

1447 - James Royal - A Little Bit Of Rain

1448 - Four Just Men - Don't Come Any Closer

1449 - Stillroven - Have You Got A Penny

1450 - October Country

1451 - Herb Alpert & The Tijuana Brass - It Was a Very Good Year

1452 - The Foggy Notions - Need a Little Lovin'

1453 - Lost And Found - Professor Black

1454 - The Counts - Stop Cheating on Me

1455 - The MeddyEvils - Find Somebody To Love

1456 - The Lemon Sandwich - Give Me Love

1457 - The Gods - Looking Glass

1458 - The Soul Agents - Seventh Son

1459 - Audience - River Boat Queen

1460 - Mother Tuckers Yellow Duck  - One Ring Jane

1461 - The Bliss - Lifetime

1462 - Surprise Package - Out of My Mind

1463 - Mal & The Primitives - Pretty Little Face

1464 - Sixpentz - Imitation Situation

1465 - Billie Davis - Wasnt It You

1466 - Sandals - All Over Again

1467 - Mystifying  Monarchs - Soldier Of Fortune

1468 - 20th Century Zoo - Bullfrog

1469 - Penelope Breedlove - Dave Christie

1470 - Other Half - Mr Pharmacist

1471 - It Brings Me Down

1472 - Dog Soul - Big Bird

1473 - T2 - Careful Sam

1474 - Mick Softley - Am I The Red One

1475 - Look At The Wind 

1476 - Liverpool Five - New Directions

1477 - Sun Dragon  -  So You Wanna Be A Rock'n'Roll Star

1478 - The Rockin Vickers - Its Alright

1479 - Soothsayers - Please Don't Be Mad

1480 - Fever Tree - Man Who Paints The Pictures

1481 - Joker - Sailing

1482 - The Chancellors - One In A Million

1483 - Hoppi & The Beau Heems - I Missed My Cloud

1484 - Art Guy - Where You Gonna Go

1485 - The Blue Things - just two days ago

1486 - Inferno 5 Plus 1 - I Can Take It

1487 - Hi-Notes - Without You Darling

1488 - First Crow to the Moon - Spend Your Life

1489 - Rationals - Feelin' Lost

1490 - Dennis & The Times - Just if She's There

1491 - Koats Of Male ‎–Swinebarn No 3

1492 - Rumbles - Fourteen Years

1493 - The Ethics - She's a Deceiver

1494 - The Shags - Don't Press Your Luck

1495 - Family Tree - Live Your Own Life

1496 - Rationals - Sing

1497 - Crucibles - You Know I Do

1498 - Bye Bye My Darling - Os Baobás

1499 - Adam Saylor ‎– I Will Go Away

1500 - Rod Stewart - Good Morning Little Schoolgirl

1501 - Al's Untouchables - Come On Baby

1502 - Neal Ford & The Fanatics - don't tie me down

1503 - Ron Gray - Hold Back The Sunrise

1504 - Les Z - Pourquoi

1505 - Specktrum - I Was A Fool

1506 - The Avengers - Reflection

1507 - The Flock - Can't You See

1508 - The Finestuff - I Want You

1509 - The Fabulous Depressions ‎– Can’t Tell You

1510 - The System - I Just Don't Know

1511 - The Lively Ones - Too Many Lies

1512 - The Green Beans - who needs you

1513 - The Marauders - since i met you

1514 - The Matadors  - Sing A Song Of Sixpence

1515 - The Brain Train - Black Roses

1516 - Jacks Wild - What Do You Expect

1517 - The Strangers - Make It Last

1518 - The Palace Guard - Oh Blue The Way I Feel Tonight

1519 - The Reasons Why - Try And See Me

1520 - The Wylde Heard- Stop It Girl

1521 - The Time - Take A Bit Of Notice

1522 - The Sounds Unlimited - Nobody but you

1523 - Vinnie Basile - Girl

1524 - The Timetakers - Don't Turn Away

1525 - The Minimum Daily Requirements - I'm grounded

1526 - The Allies – I’ll Sell My Soul

1527 - Kate - Strange Girl

1528 - The Chevelles - Tears

1529 - The Boss Five - You cheat too much

1530 - The Graded Grains - Animal Magic

1531 - The Crystal Sect - days & weeks

1532 - Villagers - You Can't Stay

1533 - 4th Street Exit - Strange One

1534 - Jimmy C. & The Chelsea Five - leave me alone

1535 - Mark IV - Hollow Woman

1536 - The Alan Bown - Story book

1537 - The Scorpions - Greensleeves

1538 - John Mayall & The Bluesbreakers - Crawling Up A Hill

1539 - The Story Tellers - Little Boy Sad

1540 - The Ways And Means - Breaking Up A Dream

1541 - Stained Glass - We Got a Long Way to Go

1542 - Hardin York - Tomorrow To Day

1543 - The Kiriae Crucible - The Salem Witch Trial

1544 - The Combenashuns - What'cha gonna do

1545 - The Citations - better stop your lying

1546 - The Continentals - Take Me

1547 - Skip Ellis - Your Bad

1548 - Powered By Love - powered by love

1549 - The Jerms - Love Light

1550 - The Tuesday Club - only human

1551 - Pride & Joy - If You're Ready

1552 - Fantastic Zoo - this Calls for Celebration

1553 - The Ohio Expres - Turn To Straw

1554 - The Flock - Got To Hold On To My Mind

1555 - The Surfaris - So Get Out

1556 - The Movin' Morfomen - run girl, run

1557 - The Bats - Evelyn

1558 - The Family Tree - live your own life

1559 - The M.H. Royals - old town

1560 - The Illusions - Little Girl

1561 - The Nomads - please don't hurt me

1562 - The Hassles - Blow My Mind

1563 - The Wylde Heard - Stop it girl

1564 - Richie's Renegades - Don't Cry

1565 - The Menn - Things To Come

1566 - The Guilloteens -  I Sit And Cry

1567 - The Komons - Caught In The Trap

1568 - The Ambushers - i need love

1569 - Fireball Of Love (B Side PE 22.007-G)

1570 - The Quik - Berts Apple Crumble

1571 - The Boyz - Come with Me

1572 - Euphoria - Hungry Woman

1573 - The Jades - You Have To Walk

1574 - The Intruders - i'll go on

1575 - The Briks - It's Your Choice

1576 - Fenwyck - Iye

1577 - The Sound On Sound - Girl, You've Got To Turn Me On

1578 - The Soup Greens - that's too bad

1579 - Wet Paint - Give You Everything I've Got

1580 - There Are The Words.flac

1581 - Mike Stevens - The Go-Go Train

1582 - Shy Limbs - Love

1583  - Ray Brown & Moonstone - Start of a New Day

1584 - Simple Simon & The Piemen - Anyhow

1585 - Aggregation - You Lied to Me

1586 - The Trodden Path - Keep Me Hangin' On

1587 - Infinity - Venetian Glass

1588 - Dagenites - I'm Gonna Slide

1589 - The Shan Dells - please stay

1590 - Necessary Person

1591 - The Magic Mushroom - cry baby

1592 - The New Order - You've got me high

1593 - The ricochettes-i don't want you

1594 - Plant Life - Say It Over Again

1595 - Olympians - hopeless endless ways (Greece)

1596 - The Seventh Cinders - you take me for rides

1597 - Nation Rocking Shadow - Time

1598 - The 7 Dwarves - one by one

1599 - The Pagans - Baba Yaga

1600 - Les Payne - Very Well

1601 - The Squires - Wonderin

1602 -The Shamrock - the road ahead

1603 - Sons Of Adam - baby stop the world

1604 - The Koats Of Male - Life's Matter

1605 - The Moxies - Please Don't Go

1606 - James T. & The Workers - I Can't Stop

1607 - The Kynds - Find Me Gone

1608 - The O'Aces - So Good

1609 - The run a rounds - i couldn't care less

1610 - Denims - I'm Your Man

1611 - The System - He's In Love With Himself

1612 - Nick D'Angelo Farmers - mr. zeppelin man

1613 - The Bethlehem Exit - Walk me out

1614 - Beethoven 4 - Don't Call On Me

1615 - Barry Lee & The Actions - try me

1616 - The Rising Storm - She Loved Me

1617 - Mystifyings Monarchs

1618 - The Wonders - I'm Not Willin

1619 - The Trolls - That's The Way My Love Is

1620 - Aquarian Age - 10,000 Words In A Cardboard Box

1621 - Marauders - Our Big Chance

1622 - We The People - Half Of Wednesday

1623 - The Loved Ones -  Loverly Car

1624 - The Travel Agency - Make Love

1625 - Bad Boys - Love

1626 - Waygood Ellis - I Like What Im Trying To Do

1627 - Four Preps, The - Hitchhiker

1628 - The Buckinghams - Don't Want to Cry

1629 - Sun Dragon  -  Blueberry Blue

1630 - Great Lakes - We'll Build out our own Kind of Love

1631 - Jimmy James & The Vagabonds - int No Big Thing

1632 - The Squiremen - Who in the World

1633 - Dutch Masters - the expectation

1634 - The Burlington Squires - World

1635 - Bill Fay - Screams In The Ears

1636 - Tuneful Trolley - Hello Love

1637 - Banshees - Project Blue

1638 - The Cherokees - That's If You Want Me To

1639 - Lostr Souls - Simple To Say

1640 - Serendipity - Castles

1641 - The Chandells - I've Told You

1642 - The Underdogs - little girl

1643 - Caretakers Of Deception - X+Y=13

1644 - The Cookies - Wounded

1645 - The Interns - I've Got Something To Say

1646 - The World of Milan - Shades of Blue

1647 - Yesterday's Children - To Be Or Not To Be

1648 - Thee Inn Crowd - Long Lost  Love

1649 - Sands  -  Mrs Gillespie's Refrigerator

1650 - Beeds - Run to Her

1651 - The Willing Mind - Decide

1652 - Black and The Blues - I'm sad

1653 - Kenny Shane - Don´t Turn Me Off

1654 - The Gray Things - Charity

1655 -  The Surf Suns - I Can’t Stop It Now

1656 - Hitch-Hikers - Someday baby

1657 - Little Bits Of Sound - Girls Who Paint Designs

1658 - The Innkeepers - Trella

1659 - The Elegant Four - I'm Tired

1660 - David McIvor - Closing My Eyes

1661 - Jonathan's Experiences - I'm Gonna Make It

1662 - The Rising Storm - bright lit blue skies

1663 - Frut Of The Loom - One Hand In Darkness

1664 - The Avengers - Strange Faces

1665 - The Advantes - Done It Again

1666 - Rock Garden - Super Stuff

1667 - Mojos - What She's Done To Me

1668 - Maltees Four.All of the time

1669 - The Dolphins - I Should Have Stayed

1670 - Mod East - Angelita (Hong Kong)

1671 - Never Should Have Done It - Inkeepers

1672 - The Six Pents - Your Girl Too

1673 - Plant Life - Flower Girl

1674 - The Tyde - Psychedelic Pill

1675 - The Teardrops - Sweet, Sweet Sadie

1676 - The Uncalled For - Since You've Been Gone

1677 - The Young Monkey Men - I Love You

1678 - The Canadian Rogues - Love & Dreams

1679 - Joey Vine - The Out Of Towner

1680 - October Country - Cowboys And Indians

1681 - Crucibles - Beware Of Birds

1682 - The Lazy Eggs - I'm Gonna Love You

1683 - Timetakers - At Least I'll Try

1684 - Savages - Cheating On Me

1685 - Syndicate Of Sound -  Games

1686 - The Era Of Sound - Girl in the mini skirt

1687 - Cyclones - Time For Me To Leave

1688 - The Komons - Why

1689 - Krystal Tones - Carol

1690 - The Squires V - i'm thru

1691- J.C and The New Tones - Love, Human Emotion

1692 - The Ethics - It's O.K

1693 - The Shags - Come Back To Me

1694 - Krystal Tones - Don't Cry

1695 - The Montanas  - A Step In The Right Direction

1696 - The Chancellors - Dear John

1697 - Shandels - Stop Your Cryin'

1698 - Jon Plum - Alice

1699 - Peanut Butter Conspiracy - Time Is After You

1700 - The Blue Things - your turn to cry

1701 - The Wooly Ones - Put Her Down

1702 - The World Of Milan - One track mind

1703 - The Zero End - Fly Today

1704 - The Sound Set - Mind In A Bottle

1705 - The Six Deep - Girl It's Over

1706 - The Illusions - Shadows Of You

1707 - The Palace Guards - No Comin' Back

1708 - The Nova Local - Games

1709 - The Laughing Kind - I Could Have Showed You The Way

1710 - The Burgundy Runn – Stop!

1711 - Little Willie & The Adolescents - Stop It

1712 - Just VI - Bo-Said

1713 - Hoppi & The Beau Heems - When I Get Home

1714 - All Of Thus - It's all right with me

1715 - Apperson Jackrabbit - That's Why

1716 - Billy And The Kids - When I See You

1717 - Dr. T & The Undertakers - Deceased (Undertakers Theme)

1718 - Carrols Mood - Out She Goes

1719 - The Gladiators - Turning To Stone

1720 - The Chants - Hypnotized

1721 - The Corals - Love You Baby

1722 - The Cobras - It's A Lie

1723 - Yesterday's Children - Wanna Be With You

1724 - Zorba And The Greeks – Shockwave

1725 - The Bytel Lums - Do You Know What It's Like

1726 - The New Roadrunners ‎– Tired of Living

1727 - The Pubs - The Lost Soul

1728 - The Outlaws - Fun, Fame and Fortune

1729 - The Journey Men - She's Sorry

1730 -  String & The Beans - Come Back to Me

1731 - The You Know Who Group - Playboy

1732 - Those Guys - Lookin' at You Behind the Glasses

1733 - W.C. Dorns  - I Need You

1734 - Proceed With Caution

1735 - The Satins - The Lonely One

1736 - The Brotherly Lovers - I'm Gonna Cry

1737 - The Ascots - Where I'm Goin'

1738 - Paul & Emile - I Can't Take It

1739 - Nightcrawlers - I don't remember

1740 - N Patrick Williams & The Inner Prism - Bad Seed

1741 - Mod VI - It's Not The Same

1742 - Savages - No No No

1743 - Snaps - Polka Dotted Eyes

1744 - Suburban 9 to 5, 'Captain Kangaroo'

1745 - The Friedles - She Can Go

1746 - The Buddhas - My Dream

1747 - Brym Stonz LTD - You'll Be Mine

1748 - Terry Randall – Tell Her

1749 - Palace Guards - Sorry

1750 - Little Alton & The Velvatones - She Said Yeah

1751 - Euphorias's Id - Deception's Ice

1752 - Marauders - Just Times Between Us

1753 - The House Of Commons - Why I Worry About You

1754 - The Illusions - I Know

1755 -  Wisdoms - Outer Limits '67

1756 - Sound Carnival - Dreams

1757 - The Romans - you do something to me

1758 - Head & The Hares - I Won't Come Back

1759 - Inner Sanctum - Can't Make It Without You

1760 - Gordon Waller - The Seventh Hour

1761 - The Waiveriders - Ain't It A Shame

1762 - The Insane - i can't prove it

1763 - Boo Boo And Bunky - This Old Town

1764 - Evil Enc. Group - Hey You

1765 - The contents - Are - I Don't Know

1766 - The Elegant Four - Time To Say Goodbye

1767 - The Fanatics - Bitter Bells

1768 - The Esquires - down the track

1769 - Ethics - Can't You See

1770 - Counts - Last Train

1771 - Voxmen - Time Won't Change My Mind

1772 - Big Town Boys - August 32nd                             

1773 - The Hard Times - You Couldn't Love Me

1774 - The Specktrum - confetti

1775 - The Outsiders - She's Coming on Stronger

1776 - The Plagues - That'll Never Do

1777 - Buck Rogers Movement - Baby Come On

1778 - Swingin' Lamp Liters  - Get Away

1779 - The More-Tishans - (I've Got) Nowhere To Run

1780 - The Oxfords - Time And Place

1781 - The Teddy Boys - she's so sweet and kind

1782 -  Jim Edgar & Roadrunners - The Place

1783 -  Ron and The Starfires - Why Did You Cry

1784 - The Maniacs - Now I Know

1785 - The Blue Condition - Coming Home

1786 - Venus flytrap - have you ever

1787 - The Shandells Inc. - Say What I Mean

1788 - Midknights - I Don't Have To Wait

1789 -  Limey & The Yanks - Gather My Things And Go

1790 - Tropics - I Want More

1791 - The Primates - She

1792 - The Good Feelings - Shattered

1793 - Dave & The Wanderers - My Heart Is In Pain

1794 - Shades Of Darkness - She Ain't Worth All That

1795 - Unknown - I Won't Play Your Game

1796 - The Seeds Of Time - She's Been Travelin' 'Round The World

1797 - Saturday'sChildren - Your loving ways

1798 -  The Sands - Better Man Than I

1799 - The Sound Barrier - (My) Baby's Gone

1800 -  Clefs Of Lavender Hill - So I'll Try

1801 - The Opus IV - mess around

1802 - The Knights - that's the way it goes

1803 -  Limits - Free As The Wind

1804 - The Friedles - Don't Tell Me What To Do

1805 - We The People - Alfred, What Kind Of Man Are You

1806 - The Music Machine - The Eagle Never Hunts The Fly

1807 - The Palace Guard - Greed

1808 - The Knights - how about now

1809 - The Young Alley Cats - Since She's Been Gone

1810 - Other Side - Walking Down the Road

1811 - The Shandells Inc. - Just Cry

1812 - Amoeba - Lost Love

1813 - Mike Renolds & The Infants Of Soul-When Will I Find Her

1814 - London Fog - Mr. Baldi

1815 - First Crow to the Moon - We Walk the Rain

1816 - Evil - I'm Movin On

1817 - Danny's Reasons - With One Eye Closed

1818 - Catalinas - Barbara

1819 - Focal Point - Girl on the Corner

1820 - Jack Fraley - Wanderer

1821 - Guy Whatelet  - Some People Said

1822 - Lavender Hour - I've Got a Way with  Girls                            

1823 - Lincoln St Exit - Paper Place

1824 - Satisfactions - Never Be Happy

1825 - Oxford Five - The World I've Planned

1826 - The Blues Invention - The Third Side Of Life

1827 - The Beau Havens - Elizabeth

1828 - Missing Links - come inside my heart

1829 - Steve Ellis and the Sandpaper Castle - Sandpaper Castles

1830 -The Limey's - Come Back

1831 - The Montells - You Can't Make Me

1832 - The Panicks - You're My Baby

1833 - The Kitchen Cinq - 'You'll Be Sorry Someday'

1834 - The Us Too Group - I'll Leave You Crying

1835 - The No-NA-Mee's - Gotta Hold On

1836 - The Different Parts – Why

1837 - The U.S. Male - You Got Yours

1838 - The Interns-The Trip

1839 - The Cave Dwellers - Sinking Feeling

1840 - The Hackers - Keep on Running, Girl

1841 - The Burgundy Runn – How Far Up is Down

1842 - Other Guys - Inside Looking Out

1843 - The Rokes - Bisogna Saper Perdere

1844 - The Shillings - Not The Least Bit True

1845 - The Innkeepers - Wanted

1846 - Tomorrow-  Hallucinations

1847 - Cranberry Moustache - Far From Home

1848 - The Foamy Brine - Tell Her 

1849 - The Immigrants - I'm Feelin' Blue

1850 - Zen - Don't Try Reincarnation

1851 - The Corals - Red Eye Glasses                                  

1852 - The Knickerbockers - As A Matter of Fact

1853 - The Fallen Angels - Something You Can Hide

1854 - Tony Church And The Crusade - Love Trip

1855 - The Kitchen Cinq - 11 -Need all the help i can get

1856 - Danny's Reasons - Triangles

1857 - Sincerely Mindfield - I've Gotta Get

1858 - The Immediate Family - You're Takin' Hold Of Me

1859 - Fly-Bi-Nites - Found Love

1860 - Fox & The Huntah's - Funny Kinda Day

1861 - King David & The Slaves - I've Been Told

1862 - Salt - Long Way To Go

1863 -The Maundy Quintet - 2's Better Than 3

1864 - Richard Pash & The Back Door Society - I'm The Kind

1865 - The Pictorian Skiffuls - In Awhile

1866 - The Emotions - Sometimes

1867 - The Fewdle Lords - I Know

1868 -The Flameouts - I Won't Cry

1869 - The Mourning Missed - I'm Not Your Brother

1870 - The Spires Of Oxford - But You're Gone

1871 - The Ceeds - Louie, Come Home.

1872 - White Lightnin' - Leaves

1873 - Wig Wags - I'm On My Way Down The Road

1874 - The Hatchet Men - I'll Give You Love - Comet 45

1875 - The Tikis - Somebody's Son

1876 - The Reknown - It Ain't Alright With Me

1877 - The Chaps - Remember To Forget Her

1878 - The Shandells - This I Gotta Know.

1879 - The Trolls - There Was A Time

1880 - The Petards - The Dream

1881 - The Haigs - From Now On 

1882 - Shocking Blue - Never Marry A Railroad Man

1883 - Lyrics - Wait

1884 - The Turfits - if it's love you want

1885 - Wild Things - My Life is Black

1886 - Pandas - Walk

1887 - The Nitty Gritty Dirt Band - I'll Search The Sky

1888 - Hydro Pyro - Hydro Pyro

Liens : 

FLAC :  27,5 Go




MP3 : 11,5 Go


                                                             1967. The Beaux Jens. She Was Mine.

                                        1968. The Thyme. Somehow

                                                   1966. The Hard Times. You Couldn't Love Me.

                                     1966. The Galaxie IV. Piccadilly Circus.
                                    1968. The Burlington Squires. Back up.

                         1966. The Savage. The World Ain't Round, It's Square.                                                                                                      


1967. Buck Rogers Movement. Baby Come Home.

    1967. The Wig Wags. I'm On My Way Down The Road.

1966. Great Lakes - We'll Build Our Own Kind Of Love.

    1969. Johnny Farnham. One. 

1969. The Perth County Conspiracy. Take Your Time.

                                        1970. Christopher. The Race.

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